All For Show
Mark 10:22
At this the man’s face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.
Several years back the Merv Griffin Show had a guest that was a body builder. During the interview, Merv asked, “Why do you develop those particular muscles?”
The body builder simply stepped forward and flexed a series of muscles from chest to calf. The audience applauded.
“What do you use all those muscles for?” Merv asked. Again, the muscular specimen flexed, and biceps and triceps sprouted to impressive proportions.
“But what do you use those muscles for?” Merv persisted. There was a moment of confused embarrassment as the body builder sat down in bewilderment. He didn’t have an answer, other than that the muscles were all for show.
The young man who approached Jesus asked about how to have eternal life. Jesus told him to keep the commandments, and the man answered he had. Then Jesus told him to go sell everything he had and come back. At that, the young man walked away sad because he had many things.
I see a lot of people like this young man. They do all the right things; they go to church, they carry a big family Bible wherever they go. They have a cross made out of railroad spikes that they are careful to wear outside their shirt, so that everybody can see it. Unfortunately, just like the young man who came to Jesus, it is all for show.
Their heart, the way they truly think and believe, hasn’t changed. When it gets down to crunch time, they fold like a cheap plastic chair when I sit on it.
Make sure that your faith isn’t just outward appearances. Dig deep into following Christ. It may not be flashy, but it sure gets the job done.
Today’s Readings: Psalm 121: Mark 9,10
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