1 John 5:21 Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.
There had been a horrible auto accident. A BMW ran into the side of a gas tanker, and now there are flames everywhere. Sitting on the edge of the curb, the driver of the BMW is inconsolable, rocking back and forth crying, “My Beemer, my Beemer.”
The first EMT on scene goes up to the man and tells him to lie down. The man just keeps saying, “My Beemer, my Beemer.” Finally, the EMT gets the man’s attention and says, “Sir, you have bigger problems than your car. Your left arm has been torn off.” The driver gets a horrified expression on his face, and then yells out, “My Rolex, my Rolex!”
When we allow possessions to become that important to us we are in trouble. Today’s verse warns us not to let anything take the place of God in our lives. We need to stay away from idols.
I would imagine very few of us would call ourselves idolators. We may not have little wood or stone gods we pray to, but we have all kinds of idols around us.
Adrian Rogers says, “An idol is anything you love, fear, serve or value more than God.” Be careful not to let anything take the place of God in your life; not relationships, work, or the pursuit of pleasure. Keep God number 1!
Today’s Readings: Jeremiah 33,34; Psalm 74; 1 John 5
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