Ephesians 3:19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Astronomers have found a red giant star approximately 18,000 light years away, called Stephenson 2-18. The size of St 2-18 is truly mind-boggling:
St 2-18 has an estimated radius of around 2,150 solar radii which would give it a volume nearly 10 billion times that of our Sun.
It would take nearly 9 hours to travel around its surface at the speed of light, compared to 14.5 seconds for the Sun.
The SR-71 Blackbird, flying at over 2500 miles an hour, would need 500 years to fly around it once.
If placed at the center of Earth's Solar System, its photosphere would engulf the orbit of Saturn.
St 2-18 shines with a brightness 500,000 times brighter than our sun.
And yet, none of that compares to how high, how wide, and how deep God’s love for us is. We cannot truly understand how great God’s love for us is!
Chris Tomlin’s beautiful song Indescribable says:
Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky
And You know them by name
You are amazing, God
All powerful, untameable
Awestruck, we fall to our knees
As we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God
We can rest easy knowing that a God who loves us so greatly has only the best for us in mind. He will direct us, guide us, and comfort us on our journey through life. We can never use up, outlive, or outrun God’s love. He is amazing!
Today’s Readings: Ecclesiastes 4-6; Psalm 18; Ephesians 3
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