When I taught at a private school, we had some students who were on self-study programs to help them get caught up. Every now and then one of them would try to cheat and get hold of the answer key.
One day, I called a young lady to my desk and asked, “What is your address?” She looked at me like I had three noses and gave me her address.
“Are you sure that’s your address?” Again, the three noses look. “I told you my address, Mr. Godsey.” I then pointed to her answer to one of the questions. “That’s funny, because you put ‘Answers will vary’ as your address.” She found the answer key and just wrote whatever it said.
She was right, but she was wrong.
After the crucifixion, tow of Jesus’ followers were walking down the road and were met by the risen Christ. Cleopas sadly explained all about who Jesus was, his trial, and the crucifixion. So far, so good. All of his facts were right.
Then he writes, “Answers will vary.” He draws the wrong conclusion:
Luke 24:21 We had hoped he was the Messiah who had come to rescue Israel. This all happened three days ago.”
How many times have we seen things happen in our lives, and instead of trying to see what God is doing in and through them, we come with our own conclusion? You may have all the right facts, but if you don’t have God’s wisdom, you won’t come up with the right answer that leads to life.
The next time you are faced with a situation that you don’t understand, or has disappointed you, stop and ask God what He is doing, or what He wants you to learn. His answers are always right, and they don’t vary!
Today’s Readings: Nehemiah 5,6; Psalm 146; Luke 24
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