Stupid Is A Choice
Proverbs 1:22 How long, you simpletons, will you insist on being simpleminded? How long will you mockers relish your mocking? How long will you fools hate knowledge?
For years I have pointed out “Godsey’s Definition Of Stupid.” It goes like this: Stupid is a choice. Dumb you are stuck with, but you choose to be stupid.
For example; you go to your favorite Mexican restaurant and as the waiter puts down your dinner he says, “hot plate.” What do you do? You touch the plate! You pull your scorched and permanently scarred fingers away from the plate and say, “Wow, that plate is hot!” You were warned, Sparky, you just chose to be stupid.
If I wanted to make sure that everyone touched a certain wall I would put a “Wet Paint” sign on it. Then I would stand off in a corner laughing at people trying to wipe paint off their hands. You were warned, Sparky, you just chose to be stupid.
The Bible lets us know over and over again that serving God is the very best thing we can do for ourselves, both now and for eternity. Yet there are people we see every day ignoring that wisdom and choosing to be stupid. When their sin catches up to them and hurts them, they whine about how bad their life is. You were warned, Sparky, you just chose to ignore God and be stupid.
Following Christ is the wisest decision you can make. It ignore that wisdom at your peril.
Today’s Readings: 26 Proverbs 1-3; Romans 7
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