Tahquitz Pines
In the 80’s I was at quite a few youth camps at Tahquitz Pines in Idyllwild, California. One year, we had an issue; things started going missing from cabins while we were in chapel services. Finally Dale Van Steenis and Tom Benton called all of the youth pastors together. They had decided we had to make a drastic decision. One by one each student would be dismissed to the foyer where the girls would be searched by women, and the men would be searched by men.
When Tom made the announcement we all assumed that camp was going to be done. There was no way the kids would respond to any messages after that!
After the shock wore off Tom quoted the Genesis 50:20 principal. It says,
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”
That night, through tears, Sam Miller broke the news to the campers. One by one they left and came back in the chapel. An amazing thing happened. As each student came back in, the other students clapped for them, and the clapping got louder! Before long, all the students had been frisked, no money found, and we had the most amazing services for the rest of the week.
It turns out, kids from the town were sneaking onto the camp while we were in services and going through luggage. They meant to harm us, but God used it for our Good.
What situations are you going through right now? What, or who, is harming you? Instead of grumbling, complaining or lashing out, apply the Genesis 50:20 principal. Start asking God to show you how you and others are going to be blessed as he strengthens you and brings you through it. It has happened to me more times than I can count, and it will work for you, too!
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